Arise is another game that takes heavy inspiration from Journey, in that it attempts to tell a story resembling an entire life cycle with as few words as possible, focusing heavily on atmosphere and immersion. It's definitely a super pretty game and has a very melancholy yet soothing soundtrack as you traverse the memories of an old man's life. That being said, I unfortunately think some of the game mechanics actively hinder the overall experience and took me out of immersion multiple times; a lot of the jumping is imprecise due to the physics of the engine, and this problem gets amplified further on thanks to the inclusion of ice physics. I found myself dying a ton due to just barely missing jumps or slipping into water. Also, it can be hard to tell just how far you can land when you have to make certain jumps, and as a result there were multiple instances where I died to falling just a tad bit too far when this distinction between living and dying was very minute, at least to my eye. Alongside that, jumping or falling a little too far can result in the old man stumbling, which is probably intentional but happened far too often in my playthrough and resulted in a less cohesive experience. All in all, I think the puzzle mechanics of being able to rewind and progress time to traverse a level were executed well enough, but the core 3D platforming mechanics could have been significantly improved with a bit more fall distance and less restrained controls so jumping felt more reliable.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2022
