Well, it's okay. I think a lot of long time fans were a bit disappointed when it came to World's End Club considering the cast of developers from Danganronpa and Zero Escape, so when the actual finished product came out, it was a bit underwhelming. A lot of the characters could be developed more, the gameplay is somewhat simplistic (and a little janky at times due to some of the boss fights being a bit finicky and the platforming controls being a little stiff), and the story feels like a very watered down (and at times, juvenile and very safe) version of Zero Escape with Danganronpa characters that have even less screentime and a whole lot of cutscenes that don't seem to go anywhere. The PC port also could have been handled better (it runs at 1/2 of your monitor refresh rate regardless of settings, and if you try to uncap it to run at anything above 60, the physics break and bug some puzzle platforming segments). But the potential is there; some of the twists are definitely interesting, even if it feels like watered down VLR at times, and the character designs and visuals are generally quite fantastic. I think World's End Club isn't notoriously bad, it just could have been much more, so I look forward to future games by Izanagi Games, and I hope they build off of this experience to create something even more daring than this.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2022
