This game rocks. A lot of hate got directed towards it for many reasons, some more valid than others, but this game is a pure fuckin' game. Jump, shoot, collect, and drive. That's all there is to do in Crackdown 3 and it is glorious. You feel absolutely superhuman as you leap from building to building and singlehandedly eradicate enemy outposts. I also like the weird neon dystopia look they went for, a big improvement on the original Crackdown's Ersatz San Andreas.

I would feel bad for anyone who paid a full $60 for this game but if you got it on GamePass, you really should have no complaints. It's a short, mindless sandbox game with fun, floaty jump physics and an emphasis on blowing things up. A great time.

Multiplayer wasn't even bumping on launch weekend lol

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2019
