Man, my thoughts when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077 are all over the place. First off, what is Cyberpunk 2077? Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role playing game that takes place in a fictional city American city known as "Night City."

The game is open world and set in the Cyberpunk universe. The player controls a customizable character known as V and is played in the first person perspective. The player can choose to play this game in numerous ways. They can play up close and personal using melee combat or fight from a distance using various ranged weapons, or the player can choose to use various hacking skills and machinery to their advantage to avoid direct combat.

The main story of Cyberpunk 2077 felt short to me, but personally I found it really engaging. The side quests and the open world design is where the game suffered for me. While some of the side quests were incredible or disturbing (Joshua!) a lot of them were very basic in nature. Go to a location, kill or save someone, rinse and repeat. I enjoyed exploring Night City. I hardly used a vehicle to get around because I enjoyed travelling through different districts finding shards, or listening in on conversations NPCs were having. As a completionist the data term achievement and finding all of the NCPD Scanner hustles towards the end felt incredibly tedious and frustrating.

From a performance and graphics perspective the game was... just okay. I wasn't blown away by the graphics. I played Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox Series X. I encountered numerous bugs and glitches throughout my playthrough. Textures in the world would simply vanish, enemies would appear clipped through environments, the frame rate or game would stutter and more. Shutting the game down completely and restarting it would fix the bugs. Reloading my save or exiting to main menu wasn't enough. The main story kept me engaged enough to push through the bugs but towards the end they were definitely frustrating, and I started experiencing bugs more frequently after the 1.52 patch was released.

In summary:
While Cyberpunk 2077 was a buggy experience for me and while the main story felt short, I enjoyed my time exploring Night City. I found all of the story endings to be great in their own ways. I'm wonder which one would be canon if they made another Cyberpunk game in the future. If I could talk to CPR directly I would tell them simply quality over quantity when it comes to the side quests and collectibles going forward and to work on the performance of the game. I'm definitely interested in the expansion and will play it as soon as possible. I WANT MORE Cyberpunk 2077. As long as the performance isn't a mess.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
