Review mainly focused on campaign but multiplayer is good.

MW is very fun and very well paced. But I have to admit, I think it's tonally confused. I dont know if this game is trying to be Bush era neocon propaganda or some deep scary depiction of what war could be. It's probably both. But I feel it dosen't really achieve the heights of what could be done with either if that's the case.

Also not gonna lie, just flat out aint a fan of the war fiction in this game. Pure evil unnamed middle eastern country (totally not Syria) and Russian ultra nationalists are kind of hard to care for even now that they've prophetically become relevant since this game's release. They're done in such a caricatural exagerrated way that they come across as comical, which coming back to my previous point, I might have actually taken in stride if the game wasn't also trying to be "deep" with its nuke scenes and its game over quotes.

It's good then that the game is as good as it is.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2023
