Shin Megami Tensei 2 is generally seen as a refinement of the first game, and I have to concede that on most levels it is. But I really did not find it anywhere close to as appealing.

Shin Megami Tensei 1 was about a world ending and moving forward after it does. SMT 2 is some weird sci fi post apocalypse typical of Japanese media at the time of its release. I personally felt much less immersed in this world than I did in the first, and I'll admit, I do not know why.

I recognize that while it does do some efforts to convey its unique world to the player, I really did not get into it at all while I completly did with the first. I did not feel it was worth going through when I reached the point where I needed to boost a completly useless stat to progress the story.

I think the point I'm trying to make is that I keep comparing this game negativly to the first when the first is by no means a masterpiece, it's a janky 90s RPG that aged very badly, but I found something in it that I simply did not for this one.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2024
