The game looks amazing. I'll give it that.

-Absolute slog with the worst inventory system in the series by far. Like reducing the inventory space to 6 is bad enough but no, you have to go and make some items take two slots, and you have to remove inventory boxes.
-Largely useless to the lore despite prequels being all about recontextualising actual lore. Resi 5 and 8 are somehow better at being prequels than this game. No this guy has a one off villain that dies
-For being a game all about working toghether, Billy and Rebecca never feel like they earn them "being a duo". Rebecca somehow has more chemistry with Chris in RE1. Billy never comes back anyway so quite frankly, he probably died in Racoon City during RE2 and 3, if not by the zombies, by the nuke.
-The very existence of RE1make make this game unappealing to play. The entire time you'll be playing, all you'll be thinking is: holy shit I wish I was playing RE1make instead. And you should. Its actually peak RE, unlike this game.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024
