Rainbow Six is one of those games that has the unfortunate legacy of being the "inferior port." Released initially on the PC as a squad based military simulation, Rainbow Six was then downgraded to match the hardware constraints of the Sony Playstation, limiting squad interactions and even numbers, as well as paring back the graphical quality massively. This did not, however, completely kill off any enjoyment to be had here.

The levels themselves are fairly well designed, each one being an intricate death trap where survival is very definitely in threat at all times. The controls in this game are awkward, with precise aiming being difficult, and this definitely hampers the experience when half of the time you are edging around corners to get the first shots on an enemy that would otherwise drop your character before you could react. However, it is this tension that works here.

Overall, this is a game that I recommend for those with a morbid curiosity. If you have heard about the poor Playstation port of Rainbow Six and wish to investigate further, give it a chance. I certainly have lost a good few hours to this game throughout my lifetime.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2023
