Uncharted 2, my favorite video game of all time, opens with an absolutely show-stopping set piece. Nathan Drake wakes up in a traincar with a bullet in his gut, and before long is falling backwards as the train car begins to falls off the cliff. Nate grabs at seats, handles bars, anything he can, and barely grabs the last possible thing he can. How is he going to get out of this one?

But that’s not even the craziest part. From there we see as Nate climbs his way to safety in gameplay that puts the on-rails climbing to fantastic use. This sequence would only be the beginning of a breakneck thrill ride that is Uncharted 2, an absolutely unforgettable achievement in video game storytelling.

This time around Nate is searching for Marco Polo’s lost fleet, a job that his old treasure hunting associates Chloe and Flynn pull him into. The in medias res structure works perfectly, since we have no idea how Nate is going to find himself barreling off a snowy cliff in an empty passenger train car. Chloe and Flynn instantly make a massive impression and their banter with Nate through the gameplay is just fantastic.

While Uncharted 1 took place on one island and felt samey after a while in boring jungle ruins, this game trots around the globe before eventually into the enthralling setting of Nepal. The nation’s culture and folklore blends in with the adventure storytelling in a really stunning way.

Uncharted 2 never lets up the brakes as you’re transported from a high-octane shootout, perilous platforming escape, or even incredible puzzle room. It’s nearly impossible to put down since there the entire experience flows so well.

Characters deftly weave in and out of the story. I loved the way in which Elena comes back into the fold, a smart writing decision that creates a very compelling love triangle since it’s impossible not to love both Elena and Chloe. While the villain Zoran Lazaravic is a very simple pure evil character, he’s so menacing and unhinged that he works for me as an antagonist.

Everything has been improved from the first game with more platforming throughout the action sequences, small but significant improvements to hand-to-hand scuffles and gunplay. It’s a longer and more involved adventure with an excellent climax.

The game also leaps ahead of the first in its presentation. It could come out today and still look gorgeous. Harry Gregson-Williams continues to knock it out of the park with his orchestrations that really drive the adventure home.

Interestingly, Uncharted 2 had an online multiplayer mode which actually was a lot of fun. The platforming and cover-based shooting turns out to be a good fit for duking it out online. I can’t tell you how many team elimination matches I played back in the day. The maps are really excellent and play into the verticality made possible with Uncharted’s mechanics. There’s even a horde survival mode that’s fun to take on with two buddies.

Among Thieves is the perfect console experience for me. Of course you can nitpick some things (bullet sponge enemy types later in the game are annoying, and the final boss fight could be better), but it really is a fantastic action-adventure I’ll never forget. I’ve played it to credits at least ten times, and I’m sure I will play it many more.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
