To fully appreciate God of War III, I tried to get into the mindset of fans in 2010. This was pitched as the dramatic, sweeping conclusion to a blood-soaked trilogy, making full use of its generational jump for the final chapter in Kratos' story of vengeance.

In being bigger and more cinematic than what came before, God of War III is extremely successful. It doesn't change a lot about what made the first two games fun as the basic rhythm of gameplay where combat scenarios are broken up by simple but satisfying environmental puzzles hasn't at all changed. I noticed that each of these games have gotten a touch easier on their respective difficulties which I didn't mind. On Normal, God of War III was just challenging enough in a first playthrough for me to feel satisfied without being frustrated.

Probably the best thing about this entry is the massive scale and spectacle of the bosses. Everything about these lengthy sequences take what was great about God of War II's legendary opening and build upon it. My favorite fight of the game might've been against the Titan Kronos. The scope of that fight was breathtaking.

I think this game had the best balance of new weapons as I found myself changing between them more than I did in the previous games. It helps that there are more red orbs which makes it possible to upgrade more of your weapons in your first playthrough. All of them are sort of variants on your basic chain weapon but they're still different enough to feel worth switching between. The new magic abilities feel well considered and combat flows well in this game without too many damage sponge enemies to reckon with.

I thought the story was a bit clunky in all of these games, and that came to a head with III. The writing has always been cheesy but when the game starts beating you over the head with the hope buried deep inside of Kratos, it started to grow a little irritating. I definitely see what they were going for with the ending, but I think something more definitive and satisfying when there wasn't a clear direction forward for the franchise for another eight years would've been smart. It all feels very abrupt and like God of War IV would be just around the corner.

God of War III was considered the ultimate thrill ride conclusion when it first released and I think much of that spectacle still holds up despite an ending I wish was better. While it's still caught in the ridiculous and sometimes downright sexist machismo that feels dated today, it's true to the first two titles and I don't think it will let down many gamers if they're checking this out for the first time like I was.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2022
