I mean… it’s not THAT bad. The gameplay was actually a nice refresher coming from 1.7k+ hours of DOTA when I played the game in 2020. I played 60 champions from the roster and found only 5 unfun to play even if the balancing is dogshit (just look at Akshan’s kit for crying out loud, or the new one’s.)

My biggest problem with the game is Garena, that may sound weird if you’re not from SE Asia, but Garena released League here, and holy fuck it’s terrible especially on our PH server, no one gets banned except for AFKs, I had 10 inters in a row in my gold rank games, and none of them got banned, I got matched with some Vayne main weirdly a lot in Gold too and he would spam the n word every time he got a kill or got killed for the entirety of their respawn timer, wasn’t funny or entertaining and it was very unpleasant. And that’s not mentioning the gacha events here. The only way I will pick this game back up is if Riot opens an official SEA server

Still better than all the mobile clones this game spawned

Oh and my peak rank was Platinum 1 and my mains were Ahri and Shen.

Reviewed on Jul 27, 2022
