The titans in this game love to focus you. There could be 10 other people swarming around it and it will only want you. they turn seemingly at random, making keeping up with their nape extremely tedious. My weapons would also be slightly too weak, and would leave the titan with very little health, robbing me of a satisfying kill and wasting more of my gas and blade durability. The story is simply a retelling of the original, but with your self insert just kinda there, this is obviously the worst way to experience the story of Attack on Titan. Even if you wanted to experience like this, it only goes to Chapter 90 in the manga, or the end of season 3 in the anime, leaving the story just before the arc that would make it more like a traditional musou game.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2022


1 year ago

titans are meant to be hard to kill initially. this is basically a musou where you get stronger over time. it's a lot of grinding, but that's to be expected because there's really not much else this game could be about besides killing titans

i'd suggest dropping all the story shit, picking up territory recovery mode (or the character episodes) and playing that instead. the main story is very underwhelming comparatively because the missions are dull, long and focus on the lame self insert

1 year ago

@chandler The game has been gone from my hard drive for months now. I love musou games but this one just didn't really click like Hyrule Warriors and Pirate Warriors 4 did for me. If I ever get a wild hair I'll try it again and take your advice though, I'll probably enjoy it more if I'm not being shuttled through the story as some shitty OC. I got through most of the story and never really felt like I was getting stronger though, felt like Titans were always just barely surviving my hits.

1 year ago

in fairness, i'd say this is less of a traditional musou and more akin to... iunno, something more like the naruto storm games on a more musou-esque scale. the base campaign is a mixed bag. i'm not a fan of the shitty oc format myself. it's very grindy and whether your character hits like a feather or a truck is heavily dependent on the equipment you build and the characters you interact with. that said you can just pop into territory recovery mode and play as the actual cast members - who have way better stats - immediately. you can also unlock the other characters through that mode rather than grinding out the story

just to give an idea of the character progression and how you should approach titans, though, i've dumped like 20 hours into playing as s3 eren. initially he started off pretty shitty, but after leveling up and getting certain skills he's now able to spin slash into titans and ricochet off their limbs for consecutive cuts. levi (who is the main star of the character episodes) can do the same thing right off the bat

for titans themselves, going for the nape can be suicide if your character is slow. early on especially you'll want to hit their limbs so they can't retaliate easily. if you have the patience for it, this game makes for a pretty great power fantasy after a while. captures the show's portrayal of titans very effectively imo