Who the fuck have a Sonic game permission to be this good?

I’ve always been fascinated by Sonic the Hedgehog, but haven’t actually played many games beyond the classics due to its terrible reputation. Generations, however, has given a renewed interest in the franchise as a whole and I’m gonna start getting more of the “good” titles from now on.

This is basically meant to be a higher-resolution compilation of some of the series’ best levels, and it accomplishes that near flawlessly. Both Sonics are fun to play as, the levels are somewhat challenging but never frustratingly so, the rival battles are fun, and the controls are pretty tight. There are some minor glitches and bugs here and there (it is a Sonic game, after all), but nothing game-breaking.

Overall, I had a blast blitzing through this game in only about a day, and I can see myself replaying it again and again in the future.

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2022
