a wonderful time, amazing aesthetic/world, some really satisfying puzzles, and a ton of potential to sequence break and think outside the box. it's one of those games where just watching it/seeing the trailer doesn't do it a ton of justice. it's surprisingly fun to move around in, the tools/upgrades/whatever you wanna call them are pretty unique and fun to fuck around with and the puzzles even if a bit simple (at least, in the base game lol) do a great job of feeling really good to execute. there is a really crazy post game that i don't really see myself messing around with too much but if you really want to dive deep into a world sprawling puzzle with tons of crazy secrets that's absolutely here for you.

i think as someone who's played so many fucking games, namely like tunic I think the whole "woahhhh they don't give you any information and you figure it out yourself in this crazy world!" thing is cool but doesn't hit as a ground breaking thing as hard for me as it might some others but it's always very magical when a game can nail that feeling without feeling frustrating/overwhelming and this game absolutely does that. great time!

edit: i did all the post game stuff, the major new areas/items were a ton of fun and cleaning up all the eggs was really fun as well. everything after that was fun to follow the checklist for but i obviously am just one guy and followed a guide for most of the bunny and beyond stuff. still a very cool experience though and even if you don't wanna get as deep into the thick of the post post game arg stuff just following a guide is worth it imo to see the insane shit billy put in the game and the insane shit people did to solve it.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
