Re1 is foundation for what is later built upon in its many sequels and to me that's all it is, a foundation. This game can get quite boring at times and it is a very slow game throughout, on top of this the lack of autosaves makes me appreciate them even more.

There must of been about 4 or 5 times were I had to replay the past 40 minutes because I died and hadn't saved. One of the things I do like however is the atmosphere of re1 it feels absolutely perfect. Whilst this game didn't scare me really I will say I was nervous at times due to the fixed camera angles and noises.

Another thing I really did like was this games story and characters, the plot was intriguing throughout and the likeable characters helped to back it up. I will say i think capcom should heavily prioritise remaking this game before they do 5 as i feel this game is more outdated and while not looking bad it could use a redfresh to help bring new people in to the series.

So unfortunately until this happens I don't see myself going back and replaying this game. Re1 is an alright game that is greatly built upon and improved in its better sequels.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
