What a PHONOMENAL SEQUEL! Finally both spidermans get to go an a fantastic adventure.
First off, the map is every fun zoom past and explore through with new traversal options and 2x the area.
Combat was FINALLY just how i wanted to be with overhauls and many newly added abilities with finishers.
Big new characters coming into the fray such as venom ofc.
And new side content which to me feels like IT ACTUALLY MATTERS!
It does have some downsides tho,
Like how the story (although very great), lacked any originality from the comic source material.
Also the suits this time (even tho I alr got half of them) are just ones from previous games which is fine but the new suits are kinda mid (ESPACIALLY THE DELUXE SUITS OML)
And the stealth sucks bc of the new mechanic they added.
Above all, the highs were REALLY HIGH and the lows werent really that low. Still a great experience everyone should play if u have a PS5
Took me like 20 hrs to beat.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
