I had high expectations for The Last of Us given all the hype and accolades, but my experience with the game was a huge letdown. While the story is often praised, the gameplay itself left much to be desired.

Firstly, the game is heavily scripted and linear. This significantly limits player freedom and makes replaying the game feel repetitive and uninteresting. The combat mechanics are clunky and the AI is frustratingly inconsistent. Enemies can be oblivious one moment and hyper-aware the next, ruining any sense of strategic stealth gameplay. Moreover, the crafting system, although initially intriguing, quickly becomes tedious and feels more like busywork than an engaging game mechanic.

The pacing is another issue. The game often forces players into long, drawn-out sections of walking and slow-paced interaction that do little to advance the story or develop characters. These sections felt like filler content designed to pad out the game’s length rather than contribute meaningfully to the experience. Even the puzzles, which could have offered a break from the monotony, are overly simplistic and offer no real challenge or sense of accomplishment.

On the other hand, I am genuinely happy that TLOU has been adapted into a TV show. The narrative, while bogged down in the game, translates much better to a television format. The show can focus on the strengths of the story without being hampered by the game’s weak mechanics and pacing issues. Watching the characters and story unfold on screen is far more engaging and immersive than playing through the sluggish and often frustrating gameplay.

In conclusion, The Last of Us as a game was a disappointment for me, but the TV show has managed to capture the essence of the story in a far more interesting and compelling way. If you’re intrigued by the narrative, skip the game and watch the show instead. It’s a much more satisfying experience.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024


If you can get a hold of the remaster or something at some stage that may be worth trying for the multiplayer. I'd similar issues with the mechanics (both of the original and this version), but they shine a lot brighter when your knowledge of them's being tested against other people's. The remake completely axed it, so.

27 days ago

i'll figure something out to get ahold of the Multiplayer part. Damn shame they didnt include that in this game cuz i could really see that being genuinely fun.