This was better than I remember, I didn’t really like this game much at all last time I played it but I had a good amount of fun this time. I can’t help but feel that gameplay wise it’s a big downgrade from Unleashed in every way… most of that is probably due to the Wii’s hardware. This is a much slower paced game, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s generally pretty fun, although over way too fast. It’s easy to look at this game now as the beginning of many of the trends that would end up leading this series into one of its worst eras, especially in regards to the writing and tone of it all, and while I don’t like those aspects, I don’t think that should undermine the fact that this particular installment is a pretty pleasant playthrough from start to finish. Could be a lot better… but could be a lot worse. I like it enough and wouldn’t mind coming back to it

Reviewed on Apr 27, 2023

1 Comment

now play colours ultimate