This is a weird one… I find this game to be an impressively ambitious sequel especially for the time, with significantly more complicated (although flawed) mechanics, an actual attempt at a story, and a larger scope in general. The leveling system is controversial but I honestly like it, gave me lots of freedom to build my team however I wanted and I was always thinking ahead. However, I also feel like it shoots itself in the foot in some aspects and that stops me from enjoying it too much. I really don’t like the rotating fourth party member, it’s counterintuitive to the games whole design and limits your team. I like the leveling overall but it also means lots of weapon types are totally useless, and I also caught myself using magic way more than it was actually necessary just so I could use it when it was actually useful. Worst part of the game is the last few hours, horrible dungeon design and I was just wanting the game to be over already. I feel like this game is a step up from the original, but it falls short in the end and I still wouldn’t genuinely recommend this one to anyone who isn’t actively tracking the progression of the FF series.

Reviewed on May 09, 2023
