I knew people didn't like the second half of the X-franchise, but I didn't think it would go downhill so badly. X5 is a slog to play through and features some of the most unimaginative level design of any Mega Man title up to that point.
Of course, there are the annoying interruptions to explain obvious things that can't be turned off or even be skipped that make replaying this game, along with the unskippable cutscene, a torture.

I have the drive to 100% play all of these games, and in the previous four titles it was always fun to plan a route after the first playthrough to get all the items with the least amount of backtracking, but this game requires so much of it, I could hardly enjoy it.
A big offender is the water level with its three slow-scrolling sections and dialogue that you have to go to three times.

I also didn't like how the armor parts are handled, as you can only use them one once you found all four pieces, making finding a capsule much less rewarding. At least the Falcon armor is pretty good, too good, almost because of its flying ability, which might be the reason why you can't use it straight away, although they could give you the flying ability once you have all the parts, but use the other abilities if you find them.

And as if this game wasn't pace breaking enough, there are the bosses who are so spongy, especially in the rematches, that they're no fun to fight. I'm already not that big of a fan of Mega Man bosses who are completely outplayed by their weakness, but at least all of them die within seconds. Here you hit and stun them, wait for their invincibility to wear off, hitting and stunning them again and so on. It takes forever.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
