I get it. You see a game that's top down, destructible terrain, manually detonated bombs. That's Bomberman, right? Wrong.

This is Chip's Challenge, Stealth Edition.

And what's here works reasonably well. It's a slow start, for sure, and the game as a whole is distinctly a bit underbaked. Achievement sets for each level are nice, but the lack of one for accomplishing all of these optional objectives in one go is notably missing. There's speed-based leaderboards bolstered by collectibles that shave seconds off your time, but those collectibles are only found on one map in each area. There are achievements for killing all guards on a map, but that is always much easier than the pacifist runs. And so on.

The game is short, though, and has that distinct charm of a successful 2012 Ludum Dare project. A sequel would have been ideal, a game that learns its lessons and implements them from step one. But I had a good enough time to do almost every optional achievement, to collect all the collectables. The amateur presentation, the genuine hype over the music change in the last area, the charm of seeing one guy and some friends basically doing the best they can because they love video games and a proper dev shot at the end of the credits. Good stuff all around, just not great.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2024

1 Comment

5 days ago

Honestly amazed to see someone talking about Dyanmite Jack in 2024. Steam says that I played this for 30 minutes in April 2013, but I have no real memory of the game itself, beyond its existence – back when it was feasible to keep track of most indie releases. I think this review is enough to incentivize me to pick it back up and give it a spin