This review will not be touching online at all. Never really played it and never really will.

I recently went back to this game a couple months ago, wanting to replay it and mess around a little bit. I’ve played the story mode multiple times, I remember every story beat, every mission, yet I genuinely couldn’t finish the game no matter how hard I tried.

The story mode starts strong, Franklin and Michael are both really fun protagonists, but everything slows down to a crawl when you’re forced to be Trevor for a while.

I can’t stress this enough, a significant part of the game’s narrative is reliant on you liking Trevor, if you don’t, a lot of it falls apart immediately. Now to sell Trevor for you he’s a violent maniac addicted to a shitload of drugs who tries to play the moral high ground. He eats people too I think.

This is just nonsensical, the whole game is everyone shitting on Michael for ditching Trevor and trying to protect his family, even to the point that Michael gets all apologetic near the end of the game and in the post game. But what did he do wrong? Both of his crime partners were dangerous idiots, he had a family to take care of. Everything he did makes complete sense lol.

Yet the game frames it as him being a snake or some shit, even though we’re told that the police were already on them and they were probably all going to die anyway. Trevor is just mad he and Michael didn’t drown in their own blood killing police officers for like five thousand dollars each.

Franklin is just there too. It’s sad how he is pretty much pushed to the side when Trevor is back in the picture. The game is too focused on the stupid drama between Michael and him. Grown ass men who are hardened criminals essentially having high schooler level beef. Shit is embarrassing.

I remember a lot of the writing holding up a lot better in the past but these days it’s a pretty mixed bag. I think rockstar genuinely tries way too hard to make every character unlikable in some way. I know it’s all part of the mystical “commentary” they’re trying to do but Michael’s entire family is unbearable and I’d kill them for sport (in game) if I could.

Only real highlights are Lamar, Lester, Franklin, Michael and maybe Davey. Every other person is pretty much annoying. They just scream and say the dumbest shit. Prime example is the paparazzi guy you do missions for as Franklin. Or pretty much every single character Trevor works with. I don’t understand how people get in a room together and decide on the worst character traits possible. Older GTA games had tons of weird NPCs don’t get me wrong, but they had a competence and likability to them that’s really absent in this game.

Gameplay wise there really isn’t that much to say, I do like how there is a “go ragdoll” button, but the shooting is bland, guns sound weak and feel like they do so little damage. Cars can be fun to drive but can also be awful depending on the model. Trevor’s signature truck is so awful to drive it should be illegal to force me into that thing.

I think the worst part is that there really isn’t anything to do other than the story. I understand that’s probably where most of the money went but the world feels incredibly small and boring when you beat the game or just want to do something other than driving to point A, kill everything, drive to point B, listen to Michael self deprecate AGAIN. It just gets repetitive so fast and there’s no break from it all.

For a first playthrough I’d say GTA 5 is pretty good. It’s fairly reliant on you feeling a certain way though, or else the story gets incredibly frustrating super fast.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
