This was my first FF game growing up and the one I have major nostalgia for. That being said this was my third time playing through it and now that I have alot more experience with the series and command-based RPGs in general I definitely think my opinion of the game went down slightly.

This is mainly in the gameplay and presentation department. The story and music is still incredible. Playing with the moguri mod was like seeing the game in a whole new light. I still love the characters and the vibe and the wholesomeness of it all. But the gameplay felt like a slog this time around. From the combat speed to the high encounter rate to battle transitions to the tediousness of the side activities...everything just felt slow and the pace felt grueling at times. This is somewhat alleviated by the boosters and cheats you can use in the Steam version. It was nice to eventually just max everything out and turn encounters off when I was ready to blast towards the end.

I still think I give the game 5 stars based on my love for it and its many strengths, but as far as its place in my ranking of FF games it definitely dropped a few spots.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2024
