Every once in a while you play a game where you can feel the developers' passion oozing out of every spot, I am happy to say that Psychonauts 2 is one of these games.

The characters are charming, the writing is witty and fun, and every level is filled with a level of detail and interaction that I feel it would take me years to unpack all.

It is honestly hard to review it because so much of the game is just so masterfully done. The one miss, though, lies in the gameplay. The game was fun and very polished, but neither the combat nor the platforming hit the mark where everything just starts flowing together and you become completely immersed. It is a nitpick, and it surely will not apply to everyone though.

I cannot recommend this game enough, it is a very accessible experience that I think almost anyone can take some enjoyment out of

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2021
