"Dark Souls 2 Shadows die twice"
let the record show I hate the 2014 Lords of the Fallen it's like a Souls game if it was made by Ubisoft (it wasnt btw) and I hated the art style with a passion it looked like Gears of war medieval edition.
So here comes Lords of the Fallen 2023 same name different developer different publisher game looks nothing like the original as far as i know completely different stories ...who the fuck knows but what is obvious is that this one is even more of a blatant dark souls rip off and honestly it's better off for it.
I enjoyed my time with it and I think once the bugs and glitches are ironed out I think a lot of other people will too the combat is solid even though they do spam you with way too many enemies, and the world is mildly interesting i say that in the way were it's clearly trying to make that thing where its almost a Metroidvania in the way the world loops around itself but it doesn't really understand why that works especially with how linear this game is for the most part that being said I did spend something like 4 hours looking for an item that was just laying around in the middle of the ground in the main of the game so you know... open world yippie
I think the gimmicks do help me like it a bit more and not just think this is a worse version of Dark Souls 2 the idea of 2 worlds and one of the worlds being harder but necessary to get past certain portions of the world and also working as a second life (totally not stolen from sekiro) is kinda cool even if not a particularly imaginative idea given this has been done in almost every genre of game but not a souls-like game... maybe idk I haven't played all of them
Do I recommend it ...no well I dont recommend any game at full price cause triple-A video game pricing has gotten out of hand but also this shit is buggy and while I, for the most part, didn't really encounter any aside from frame drops in certain areas. I am not gonna deny what seems to be the experience of the internet at large especially for console players

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
