deadly premoniton 2 is like when a person does something really well the first time by pure luck and then when they go to do it again they get overly confident and fail spectacularly.
I started playing this on the Switch back when it came out and I am now finishing it on PC so that puts into perspective the Switch port of this is borderline unplayable it is migraine-inducing idk how anyone can finish that at least with the PC version it's like you get all the bs but at least the frame rate is decent and the funny thing is this game if we look at it on paper very similar to the first game similar plot progression similar combat and exploration but and dare I make too allegories in the same review this game flew a bit to close to the sun it just does everything a lil bit too much, the combat is a lil too repetitive, the dialogue is a lil too drawn out, the exploration and moving around in the open world is a lil bit too slow. if the first game is a so bad that's its good then Deadly Premonition 2 pushes it over the edge into just being bad... A Blessing in Disguise it is not also I found the story annoying this time around lol like the first one gets away with being like this weird nod to David lynch but this one doesn't

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2024
