I think a lot of the discourse of this game will probably be around whether or not this is a walking sim which I really don't care about, but if I had to lean one way or the other I would say combat is so few and far between in this game that it might as well be a walking sim.
Anyway, I thought the story was ok I think it being a sequel it loses a lot of the uniqueness factor the original had and the story can be quite predictable I knew exactly how it would end the moment Evil Ryan Gosling started talking about his dad and just knowing the allegories this game series is going for so it was still an enjoyable ride but it's kind of like riding the big scary rollercoaster ...for a second time.
Visually the game looks great at times with some cool twists on fairly realistic locations but this day-one release does seem to have some issues ANTS on people's faces and random pop-ins being the worst and most noticeable ones.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
