Remember enjoying this cringe-fest
it came out just at the right time for me to enjoy this type of thing but I still remember not liking the final few episodes
it's like the video game equivalent of a teen's Netflix show

Reviewed on May 21, 2023


Its def a cringe fest but still a really good story imo
Its def a cringe fest but I thought the ost was pretty good and something about it feels nostalgic

1 year ago

I thought that everyone liked this game in an ironic way before, like whenever I saw it I would just think of 13 Reasons Why. I was unaware that it had actual fans. So is this game actually good or not?
its decent bran, the ost is good and it has its moments. way better than 2 at least
@HylianBran Eh, has its moments but the diction of the writing is very shlocky and a poor attempt at utilizing its own rules of time travel, along with poorly aping the ideas Twin Peaks and YA media have, with the centered relationship on the MC and her friend in particular being incredibly toxic despite its insistence they care for each other. Also I don't like the visuals at all, really poor render of the watercolor and impressionistic style of direction.

A lot of the hate for it is rather overblown but I'm not into it regardless, but like I said there's some good moments in it (certain side characters, how it tackles the idea of adolescence and accidents, two episodes in particular). There is somewhat of a reason it wrangled in genuine fans enough to have sequels (and a spin-off, and this one getting a prequel), despite my ire with the execution. I'd say it's fine enough for one shot, at least.

1 year ago

@BlazingWaters thanks, maybe I will give it a shot.