very much a product of the time when zombie games were probably at the height of their popularity
that being said still an enjoyable time but incredibly buggy I could never finish the ps3 game because apparently the last patch of the game breaks it I am not sure that's an issue exclusive to certain models of ps3 but in mine, it's impossible to progress because of a bug that makes zombies heads invisible and various game objectives just won't complete as zombies dont actually register as dead for some reason very weird either way and i can't really play an older version of the game because I have the digital version yup so it took until this recent switch release for me to be able to give it another go and well finished it in an afternoon not really a giant game which is expected out of this type of expansion that being said the game feels artificially lengthed as well with the way the missions are laid out and how long they take to pop up between each other

Reviewed on Aug 22, 2023
