As a bloons veteran I have pretty mixed first impressions on this one.

Firstly this is simply btd 6 but you need to sell you soul and time to bloons demon to unlock upgrades because you earn 11xp when you lose and tier 4 upgrades want want you to spend 10k xp

sounds bad right? yeah

other than that only being able to use 4 heroes and two of them being pay to unlock is pretty sketchy. Also jones sucks who would pay 3k to unlock him lmao.

This game definitely needs some major balancing otherwise in a month or so everyone will stop playing it lmao.

Edit after some time: It was fun for a while but not much atm. Replicating btd6 on a different engine broke the game so much that every meaningful strategy relies on a game breaking bug.

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2021
