I will never understand a lot of people's hate for difficulty, making it seem like it's pissing off old pikmin fans. I don't get that idea,pikmin 4 has a balance, I know stuff like auto-lock on and no difficulty toggle is annoying. But where you guys in pikmin 3? That game was easy as fuck, at least pikmin 4 has a nice curve later on in the game. I don't understand really, yes ik this game isn't as hard as pikmin 2. Although that's fine I don't see a problem with a game for everyone, if you want hard pikmin play pikmin 2,if you want relaxing pikmin, play 3, if you want moderate pikmin play 1 and 4. I don't see why it needs to be like pikmin 2. I just don't get it

Reviewed on Sep 03, 2023


8 months ago

The problem with the game is not that it's easy, but that it's broken.
I've been doing a 20 pikmin run and with just two upgrades for Oatchi and I'm still surprised by how mindlessly easy, especially due to the use of objects.

8 months ago

Plasm Wraith is harder than anything 4 has to offer. Getting platinum on all of the challenge mode stages was far harder in 3 as well.

8 months ago

you can cheese plasma wraith with rocks
Just too dummy easy like 3
@ezaluna kinda spitting