An enjoyable enough rogue-lite. However, what it really is is a simple cult simulator. Your early time with the game is spent 50/50 cult babysitter/dungeon crawler, but it devolves into 90/10 cult babysitter/dungeon crawler near the end of the game.

What is there is enjoyable, but it feels like it could be a little fleshed out on both ends. The dungeon crawling is incredibly simple: you have an attack, a spell, and a dodge. Each feel incredibly snappy, which is great. The management is rewarding, but incredibly time-consuming and gets repetitive. Once you start to build up a large number of followers, it's incredibly chaotic, and not in a good way.

The theme is incredible and what saves is what would be a fairly standard game. The soundtrack is really unique and catchy. The graphics are cute and creepy. The story is just interesting enough to push you forward.

Another positive is that there is a definitive ending. Endless rogue-lites aren't my thing, so having a point where you can hang up your hat is a big bonus.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
