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Forgive me if this sounds incoherent but i need an outlet to vent about my feelings regarding this game and how i feel it's betrayed any and all sense of trust ive ever put into it

to get the basics out of the way, im a big fate fan. ive been playing the NA version of this since NA launched and made playing JP one of my main goals when i started studying japanese. Being able to read lostbelt 7 when it dropped was a magical experience i wouldn't trade away for the world. FGO has been a part of my life for the better part of 6 and a half years by now and despite everything i still regard it as a favorite of mine in the sense that it's been with me throughs some of my highs and lows

which is why it pains me to say that i've given up on FGO.

the current release cycle of the jp version has been in an incredibly abhorrent state for the last year and a half now. Piece-meal would be praise given how barren it's been for months now. not only did they decide to enter a fucking anime-ass filler arc in the MIDDLE of the the "lets go to the final part of the story!" section of the game, but they have the gall to set it up in such a way that its fillerness exists in this awful liminal state between being important and not mattering at all. As of this writing only the first of the (alleged) three ordeal call main story chapters have released, with OC1 being some of the most boring, pathetic, fan-pandering-with-no-purpose things ive ever had the displeasure to read, especially after an incredible story chapter that, while not as good as lostbelt 6, managed to make me think and cry with it through it all.

the second story chapter is supposed to drop in late spring, a full year after the last story chapter's release. frankly speaking, this is game-ruining for me. the pacing of the supposed "final chapter" of the second part of the story is gonna be this dragged out mess of a plot just so the game can trudge through the 10th anniversary and end part 2 then and there. it's pathetic.

this, in turn, has killed my entire motivation to play the game. for a while i was only in general log-in mode since that required less than 0 brain power to do, given there's barely any dailies in the game to do. nowadays i can't even bare to look at the app icon on my phone without feeling an immense despair at how this game has ruined 10 years of type moon works for the sake of NOTHING but dogshit managerial work that will be a stain on the game's reputation forevermore. when the samurai remnant event was running i tried playing it given i really enjoyed samurai remnant but i couldnt go more than 3 arrow nodes before quitting because i couldn't see the point anymore.

i dont know what im gonna do with this game anymore. maybe ill still log in for the main story stuff, maybe ill just have my friends tell me what happens before the ending; but as of right now i can't think of anything other than how much this game has wasted itself in the past year trying to hold on to pathetic branches while falling from the trees above.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2024
