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This is probably gonna be me rambling but this is easily one of my favourite games ever and I need to rant about it in some way. Idk what happened between Suikoden and this but holy shit I like the writing so much more and it's the reason I love II so much.

From the beginning in the camp to when you escape Muse is actually perfect to me and everything after is at least good. Even if I didn't like a scene or part as much (Nina's existence in Greenhill) it didn't last long enough to ruin it because things constantly happen.

I really didn't like the first game's but Luca's a scary (and funny) ass villain who makes every scene he's in better just by being there because you know something fucked is gonna happen and I'm so glad his boss fight was perfect at showing how much of a threat he was. His fight is maaaybe my favourite part of the game.

Some of the Stars that return from the first have their arcs continued, which I didn't expect, but they're really nice. Viktor's still one of the best characters salute emoji.

The rest of the game is just really cool. The sprite art's some of the best I've seen in a JRPG, the unite attacks and spell animations are pretty as hell and everything outside of combat is still so detailed certain scenes hit harder. The combat's the same as what I remember from the first so it's still fun. OST's great too, I loved the town and boss themes. Reminiscence is probably still my favourite track tho.

Haven't said what I dislike about it but the army battles being changed from rock paper scissors to a SRPG based on RNG and Clive needing you to speedrun the game to get him are definitely my least favourite parts. That's about it, I don't really have problems with the game other than those and maybe the fact it takes the second half of the game to get full fast travel.

I left this for last but god the main trio is definitely what I love most about this. Can't explain it but I got attached to them immediately and every scene with them messed me up emotionally in some way. The true ending especially broke me and made me smile, cool game :D.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2023


1 year ago


1 year ago

Go away.

1 year ago

No fuck you

1 year ago

So rude.