I haven't played a Tomb Raider game since the third one of the original franchise came out. I didn't experience the 1998 one, my dad emulated the game around 2009 and we had a blast going through the levels (even if they were super outdated by that year standard). However, after we finished it I was never drawn back into this franchise at all until very recently. As some of you may know, Epic Game gave away the 3 latest additions to Lara Croft's adventures: Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015) and finally Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018). All of them were developed by Crystal Dynamics, the guys that made Gex back in the 90's and more recently The Avengers game. I don't really like their style, it seems to be that they handle their business out of money but no for passion.They are always after the latets trend like a videogame mascot during the years they developed Gex and the "game as a service model" that they handled with their latest super hero game. So I firmly believe that the same can be applied to this entry.
Tomb Raider was published in 2013, during the early to mid 2010 all of the well known franchises were turning into a dark and serious reboot or sequel like Halo Reach, Dante's Inferno or even Prince of Persia. So, once again I strongly believe that the developer was chasing trends with this particular game. However, What do I think about the experience as a whole and on it's own?
First of all the story is the main issue I have with the experience, I literally just remember the last few details of it due to how insane it turns out to be. Other than that I just remember Lara's and Kimikos name. The antagonist only shows up four a couple of scenes and at the end you kill him on a quick time event, so there's nothing special to say about the story.
The gameplay is kind of stiff compared to games that came out that year like The Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite. I guess they are a little bit similar, now that i think about it. It seems that they took a lot of inspiration from the Uncharted series because almost all of the scripted action events were chaotic and explosive, also the climbing sections were an Inspiration for Uncharted 4.
Nonetheless, Tomb Raider wasn't that big of a deal, I really enjoyed how insane the ending turns out to be but they began with a mediocre and uninspiring reboot that somehow generated more than 4 million copies sold across the world.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2022
