This epytomises everything great and terrible about mid 90s FPS's. Downright confusing level design means that, without a walkthrough, you'll be hard pressed to work out how to go from A to B for a lot of this game. Thanks to the design philospohy of each level being a hub world with interconnected levels, it can be very daunting upon first picking this up to guage what you're doing.

That said, there's a phenomenal game in here. I only played as the cleric, and will hopefully try out the other classes another time, but my experience gave me some of the best shooting of the 90s, with great weapons, fun enemies (minus those centaurs) and a gorgeous art style. This is likely the greatest the un-modded Doom engine could look, with fog and particle effects creating a great sense of atmosphere, and the animations and sprites look fantastic. Overall, if you're willing to put up with convoluted level design I'd very much reccomend this to fans of boomer shooters.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2021
