I started this on Game Pass a couple years ago and shelved it part way through. I decided to come back to it on Switch and have now finished it.

Overall, I did like this game, but I wanted to like it more. Sports rpgs are way too rare, and on this surface, this looks great with a creative concept and visual style. The gameplay, however, is lacking.

While 1-on-1 and 2-on-2 dodgeball matches feel pretty good, anything more becomes too chaotic. For these bigger matches, it often makes sense just use brute force rather than play carefully and use strategy. The gameplay loop is very repetitive and mostly consists of fetch quests and grinding. Even at only 10 hours, the game feels longer than it needed to be.

I admire what they've made here, but if you're looking for a great sports rpg, this doesn't quite reach the heights I hoped it would.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
