It's been a while since I played a golf game, but I enjoyed the new swing mechanics this game introduced. It's easy to pick up, but hard to master.

The speed golf, on the other hand, is a miss for me. I can understand how it might be fun for a few multiplayer matches, but it's largely antithetical to what makes golf games fun for me: taking my time to make deliberate, accurate shots.

The adventure mode is a bit of a mess and feels like a first draft of ideas rather than a polished experience.

The lack of content the game had at launch has been mostly solved by updates. The game launched with only 6 courses but now has 11, as well as a few extra modes. It's great more courses were added, but It's not a good look for Nintendo to withhold content for DLC that should have been a part of the base game.

The courses, while not bad, feel like a missed opportunity. Most have a distinct visual look but feel largely the same when playing. The New Donk City course is great, and I would have loved to see more Mario-themed courses. An Island Delfino Course, a Galaxy Course... even just a standard Mushroom Kingdom course would have been welcome.

Overall, I still had fun playing the game because the core golf gameplay is fun. If you're thinking about picking it up, it's probably best to go in with low expectations.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2022
