
+ Most of the important characters look great and are interesting. Some solid character models/designs and notable voice acting + writing at times.

+ The world (while it often beaks) has a nice atmosphere and is a great backdrop for the game. Imposing, beautiful, deadly, atmospheric it's a pretty solid location all things considered.

+ At times it's really gorgeous to behold and you get really immersed.

+ Soundtrack is really good

+ Great collection of licensed tracks, lots of bangers. (though it might not be everyone's taste)

+ Liked the use of Japanese and Japanese actors

+ Some good heartfelt moments

+ Despite all the issues (and there are plenty) I was still compelled to come back and play more. Lots of things that damaged the experience, but nothing that really outright killed it for me.

+ Some of the guns feel alright to shoot.


- Performance is pretty spotty. This is a game meant for next gen machines.

- A myriad of bugs, glitches and crashes that just constantly chip away at the experience

- Felt a little bit cheated by having my first true view of Night City (Nomad Path) be a montage cutscene fast forwarding a lot of important moments in our character and his friend's journey.

-The lies and false marketing that took place leading up to the game's launch. A lot of hype was created then it suddenly deflated. Didn't live up to the vision it showcased to players.

- Vehicles handle like poo poo

- Enemy AI feels very poor and exploitable

- World can feel very empty at times because of relatively low population density.

- Had massive potential to be as big as something like GTA V, but it really killed it's long term staying power thanks to the terrible launch.

- Wasn't a huge fan of the stealth options

- Hand to hand combat is also very simplistic

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2021
