The gameplay is serviceable and a competent stealth action game but my god everything about the visuals and the audio is amazing. So creative and unique. I honestly didn't call that it was gonna be like this SCP type deal I thought I was gonna play as a Burt Reynolds or Tom Selleck Magnum PI fella trying to escape a terrorist robot compound or something. But what I got was also amazing. A couple of flaws - if you get captured and die and respawn, any keycards you found or terminals you activated would stay activated or found. So that just saves you the trip of sneaking back. and the way the level design is the safe point is like a mini hub world between the mini levels that have a powerup or the key at the end. IDK. And while the sound design was amazing, the footsteps were weird as I genuinely could not tell from where they were coming from. And sometimes the enemy AI would be a bit dumb and not see me even if I were clearly in their view and undisguised. The game is super short, like an hour or two and it does everything super well and wraps up. A good and nice short adventure. Great level design too. Fun, soulful and recommended!

Reviewed on May 30, 2022


10 months ago

This is like a reverse IGN review lmao. You said it was great but gave it a 5/10. Not that I would call a 5/10 bad but still

10 months ago

@LordDarias o mighty wise one lord darias hallowed be thy name what should my rating be then

10 months ago

3 stars would be acceptable to me

10 months ago

@LordDarias I have changed my rating and added half a star in accordance to your wishes