An HD port of an FMV game from the 90s. Kids on Site disguises itself as an educational interactive experience about heavy machinery, but it's actually a series of slapstick sketches taking place at a construction site. The player is given control of a piece of heavy machinery and a mission. You can complete your instructions to the letter, but the game encourages you to wreak havoc on surrounding objects and people. I'd compare the dynamic of the two main NPCs to stuff like The Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, Ernie and Bert, Kenan and Kel etc.

This game is made for children, but I think certain adults with a fondness for goofy comedy will enjoy it. Although I do think it's a bit overpriced for a 2 hour experience. Here's the test to see if you'll be amused by this game: does Urkel make you laugh? It can be genuine or ironic, but do you laugh at Steve Urkel? Not the show Family Matters. I mean URKEL. Does that make sense? If you were entertained by the episode where Urkel creates a haunted ventriloquist dummy of himself and it murders the other characters and starts breakdancing, you will like this game.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024
