Cat Burglar describes itself as a trivia game, but it's really an interactive cartoon that takes heavy inspiration from theatrical animated shorts of the early 20th century. The style is very reminiscent of the cartoons put out by MGM and Warner Brothers (Tom & Jerry, Droopy Dog, Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies). Cat Burglar has very little substance as a game, but as a fan of the aforementioned cartoons I laughed a lot. The trivia is just an excuse to determine whom will be the victim of hilariously violent slapstick, the titular Cat Burglar or Peanut the Guard Dog. You are given 3 "lives" to answer 3 trivia questions correctly. If you fail (kill the cat) 3 times, the cartoon starts over. The animation is stunning and the music is very Carl Stalling-esque. It even puts a filter over the animation to make it feel like its been put to film.

Cat Burglar provides a LOT of comedic scenarios that change depending on your trivia answers, encouraging you to play through a minimum of 5 times to get all the "good" endings. Even after unlocking these I played again several times and lost on purpose just to see what gags I had missed. Again, while there is very little gameplay here, I encourage any and all slapstick/animation fans to check this out if you have access to Netflix.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
