Even though I believe this game's status as a classic won't be removed by absolutely anything, it's pretty obvious that it has aged poorly in many gameplay elements.

I'm not a fan of fixed camera angles and ludicrous, time-wasting puzzles, also I despise how this game forces me to backtrack and deprives me of a good inventory system. After a while it becomes some kind of door opening simulator with a ridiculous and unnecessary amount of door animations and loading zones.

But hey, it was kinda fun, it had good atmosphere, good scares and cheesy (in a good way) dialogue and line delivery. Also monster design got really creative for the time.

Can't say I was left eager to play it again but maybe I will play Chris' campaign eventually, but I won't be attempting any of the extreme challenges like super-hard mode or invisible enemy mode or any of that shit since obviously it'll be unnecessarily stressful.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2021
