I played it on Switch and I have to say this must be the most impressive "miracle port" I've played so far, even more than Doom Eternal. It really looks great for an outdated tablet. I never played New Order so I was kind of lost with the story, but I really enjoyed the narrative even though it ends anticlimactic. The thing that wowed me the most is the acting direction in cut scenes. Maybe the best I've seen in gaming overall, it really felt like an actual movie instead of the usual wooden performances and dialogue you see in most videogames.
The gameplay though... wasn't the best. I feel many of the AAA fps games feel similar, with minimal differences between them. The guns have a nice feeling, but there's no meat in the game.
The level "readability" is terrible. This is a linear game and you don't know where you're supposed to go. You have to constantly spam the (super tiny) waypoint icon just to see where the hell is the next door. Maybe I was too harsh with the yellow paint in Resident Evil.
You get hit all the time, but you don't even know it cause there's no indication until it's too late. Often the enemies are hidden in such dark shadows you can't even see them let alone shoot them.
Overall it was nice, but I had many problems with it.

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
