This is one of the worst game i have ever played. I had too much high hopes for this game. I awaited so long for it to be released, and what i got is a PIECE OF FUCKING FILTH. Let me explain, this game was in development about 8 years. And do you know how long this game is? 3 hours... 3 FUCKING HOURS! 3 HOURS FOR FUCKS SAKE HOW THE FUCK IS 8 YEARS EQUAL TO 3 FUCKING YEARS? The only thing, i repeat only thing that is good about this game is probably its art design. It's beautiful, yet gross. Gameplay is janky, story is shitty, game itself is not fair and fucking hard, sometimes your gunshots wont even register, puzzles are no-brainer. And btw this game is not scary, not at all. So you guys at least could've tried to make this game a bit scarier. 10/0

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023
