This is a masterpiece. The last of the golden era of Ace Combat. It has aged really well and my love for this game hasn't changed throughout the years after numerous replays.

It has peak PS2 era graphics that will look good years from now. It has top notch flight shooter gameplay with lots of variety and replayability in the missions and aircraft with incredible moments to moments that always give me chills.

It's story is well written which tells a great anti war message without being preachy or taking out the fun. It is presented really well with documentary style FMVs.

It also has solid voice acting and some of the best music in gaming.

All of these then come really well together once you encounter one of the best final bosses.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and play this game (as well as 4 and 5) if you haven't already.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2021
