A perfectly paced game with enough secrets and tricks to make any replay a delight.

For a game with a 4th grade reading level, it communicates a lot with very few lines. While the story writing isn't the pull of any game with Mario, you'll be surprised with how much fun it is to explore the world through its characters.

Combat is quick and satisfying with a growing arsenal of combo moves giving the brothers a varied toolbox of attacks to defeat a great bestiary of foes. The true joy of the combat is in observing the enemies for their tells, leading to a hypothetical skill ceiling of a damageless run.

Optional content is not grandiose, rather small bursts of content for rewards that range from simple to overpowered, but the story progression is a constant train of fun set pieces.

Great music by Yoko Shimomura and stellar pixel graphics that pop be it on handheld or console, presentation is top notch as series cameos & concepts will please anyone who loves Mario.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2023
