A short, goofy adventure game built primarily around a scavenger hunt mechanic and a lovely, soft sense of humour.

We play as the titular Frog Detective, who is sent to a strange island because the folk there are concerned it's haunted (well, obviously). The game relies on a very internet-centric style of humour, with lots of silly non-sequitur and nonsense jokes, but it's not as irritating as many other attempts at this. Instead it features a gentle style to its writing, getting by mainly on smart writing and prodding harmless fun at its own premise, but without getting bogged down in 4th wall-breaking stupidity. There's no hint of either sarcasm nor cruelty in its jokes, a distinct rarity in internet-age comedy, and I adore it for that alone.

Frog Detective won't be for everyone; it's not challenging, nor lengthy, but like an episode of a weird TV show you've accidentally caught, it's a cute way to spend an hour playing and then all day thinking about.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
