Recently I read the short story “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”, this was an amazing and surprisingly short read. So seeing this turned into a video game had me wondering how they’d do it honestly, it’s really not much of a story that you can adapt. But to my surprise they managed it, and I really liked it.

If you’ve read the book then you already know it’s setting and story, but if not; this is set in post-apocalyptic world where the evil supercomputer, “AM”, has wiped out humanity except for 5 people who it decides to torment for eternity. As you go through the book you’ll notice how flawed these people are, and it’s certainly no different here. It’s even more in-your-face about their flaws, which isn’t always necessarily a bad thing though in my opinion.

The narrative is obviously masterfully crafted, delving into existential themes such as free will, identity and the nature of suffering. The writing is sharp and evocative, capturing the bleakness of the characters’ predicament while also offering glimmers of hope amidst the despair, personally I prefer the original story a tad bit more but the game still offers a near on par narrative in my opinion.

Visually, the game’s pixel art style has a gritty, dystopian feel that contemplates for it dark subject matter. The environments are atmospheric and immersive, from the decaying ruins of the world to the weird and twisted landscapes of the characters’ minds. This is the style I was looking for in a story like this and I personally think it succeeded in doing it.

However, the game is certainly not without its flaws, I do have some complaints unfortunately. Now I don’t think I’m inept, but some of the puzzles can be obtuse and frustratingly difficult leading to moments of trial and error that personally detracted from the overall experience.

Overall “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” is a great adaptation and of an excellent story that definitely is a must-play. This is an amazing experience that challenges you to confront the darkest aspects of human nature. Its rich storytelling, complex characters, and philosophical depth make it a standout title in this genre, despite its age.


Reviewed on May 13, 2024
