An abysmal game, that is exactly what Mighty No.9 and y’all are not shocked to hear that by now.

Mighty Number 9, also known as the ‘spiritual successor’ to Mega Man is an old internet tale that spread like fire in the early days by the sheer amount of disappointment one game can give to an abnormal amount of people in matter of days, but I’m not here to discuss the story of how it came to be, I’m here to tell if it is bad or not, and the first paragraph already says it all.

To start with something good about the game, the gameplay loop.
The Gameplay loop is focused on Bell’s (A.K.A Mighty No.9) Dash and I’m gonna say that is the best part of the game, the dash is very responsive and powerful, together with the ability to pass through enemies after stunning them to gain time limited bonus is a neet idea the ties very well the gameplay,unfortunately the other aspects are not so good compared to the dash mechanic.

The stages are very mixed, some of them are fairly balanced having a good challenge while having a fair learning curve (Battalion), others are so easy that is funny (Dynatron) and others are completely horrible and are unnecessarily difficult like the first boss on the list Pyrogen, yes the first BOSS in the List.

Like the Mega Man series, Mighty has the power to get the bosses power after saving them, these power range from useful, very situational and out right Overpowered, in this case the overpowered weapon is the battalion’s one, being the only weapon in the game that can be easily used to kill 7 of the 8 bosses in the game.

The Optimization is horrendous, I played the official Linux version of the game and I had lags almost every time the game presented more than 3 enemies in the same screen, horrible.

To summarize, Mighty No.9 is not a worthy successor for the Mega Man series, while the gameplay loop was good and very fun almost everything surrounding the game was either Meh or very shitty, using outdated game ideas from the first two mega man games as if the series never evolved.
I would recommend it if you're a diehard fan of the mega man series or just wanna see for yourself, at least the Steam version gets very cheap on sale.

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2023
